Do you want to find quality equipment for your dog? This is exactly what you are looking for! French linen is a perfect material, which is used for making sleeves and bite suits, and is absolutely safe for dogs.
Soft puppy bite training sleeve for Amstaff
Amstaff French linen soft and strong materials puppy bite sleeve for basic training
You will not get exhausted fast during training because of this lightweight sleeve. It is made of very soft French linen and is non-toxic for the dogs. The sleeve has additional handle, which helps you to use it in the off-arm training. It is ambidextrous, so you can use it either on the left or on the right arm. Due to its special design you can use the sleeve while training in different weather conditions. It is also very simple to clean the sleeve because of the high-quality materials and resistance to dirt and stains.
Take a look at puppy french linen sleeve in 3D